Problem Statement
Our venues still sometimes suffer from acoustic problems, causing us to inadvertently create a nuisance or fail to deliver the optimal sound experience to the audience. Additionally, we want to ensure that new halls have good acoustics from the start. How do we solve this?

The Solution
Erik Mans of Tivolivredenburg explains why he engaged Event Acoustics and the solutions they offered:
“It all started in Tivoli Oudegracht. There were houses adjacent to the stage, leading to complaints from neighbours. Event Acoustics came to resolve this nuisance and also helped with another issue: the venue’s acoustics were not suitable for amplified music. So, we measured acoustics both in the auditorium and next door. By measuring on both sides of the wall, we found a solution where the neighbours were no longer inconvenienced by us, and we could provide a good sound experience to the audience. Many other companies impose decibel limits that we can’t do much with, but Peter really looks at what is possible instead of imposing restrictions.”
“Later, I also worked with Peter during the construction of TivoliVredenburg, so I now know that Peter is the authority on acoustics, especially for amplified music. Other acousticians are often very classically trained and do not take amplified music well into account. Peter knows all about this and was therefore able to help us build TivoliVredenburg. He understands what a hall needs, which is why we took his advice during construction. We noticed things were going wrong, and of course, you can only build a hall like this once. Thanks in part to Peter, the acoustics in Tivolivredenburg are now perfect. I have worked with many acousticians, but there is no one like Peter.”